Find resilience and peace with bodywork and acupuncture.

Sarah Weaver uses Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, therapeutic massage, CranioSacral Therapy, and Manual Lymph Drainage to help people in the Minneapolis-St. Paul or Twin Cities area manage chronic pain, recover from surgery, improve energy level, sleep, and digestive function, and improve their mood.

Welcome to Longevity Bodywork & Acupuncture

I’m Sarah Weaver, and I’m a licensed acupuncturist, bodyworker, and health educator focused on enhancing health and well-being at all ages.

Compassionate, thoughtful, individualized care is my commitment. My years of experience have given me the skills to help people improve their lives by managing health concerns and stress.

I help people like you feel good enough to do their favorite activities, spend quality time with family and friends, participate in their communities, and have greater resilience and peace in their lives. Read about my background.

Services to enhance your life

Sarah offers a number of interrelated disciplines to support your health. She has the flexibility to combine multiple treatments in one visit to provide to you a truly optimal and customized experience.

  • "Sarah seems to know exactly what my body needs, and her treatments help me be a much better me. I’m so grateful! For many years, I’ve gone to Sarah for massage, CranioSacral, and acupuncture therapies."

    Patricia G., Client & Acupuncturist

  • "I had tried many different routes from doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, medications, and pain specialists. No one listened with such compassion and care like Sarah did ... She changed my life."

    Lindsey S., Client

  • "I came in originally for more energy post-chemo and radiation treatments. And I keep coming on a regular/monthly basis because acupuncture maintains my energy levels, improves my sleep, improves my arthritis, improves constipation, and assists me with my lower back troubles. Basically, for whatever is ailing me that month, Sarah makes everything better! Sarah has taught me so much about my own body, and how it operates, so that I can take better care of myself! She has been a positive energy and light in my recovery and the maintenance of my body as I age."

    Barb W., Client & Management/Office Worker

Certifications & Credentials

Find resilience, relief, peace.

Schedule your first bodywork or acupuncture session with Sarah today.